The Visibility of Death, Nicholaas Chiao

Title of the Work of Art:

The Visibility of Death

Date of Creation:
2022 - 2023
Contemporary Art, Conceptual Art
fabric, paint, stone, plaster, aluminium, rug, pigment,
70 x 70 x 15 inches, approximate

Artwork Description:
This work was created by the artist in the most gruesome period of his life. Somewhere in 2016 he accidentally nearly destroyed his website and lost all internet traffic to his works. He lost all business contacts and no new ones were to be found. He became quite challenged by life and had psychiatric problems. To help himself deal with the stress he created several sculptures of medieval dead men. The horror of tragedy in this artwork was something stronger than the loss that was experienced by the artist. It permitted him to lower his stress in the sight of the memory of a bigger tragedy.

Purchase Inquiries: cell:+1-929-370-5524
Artist's Collection

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